Monday, August 30, 2010

Washington at the McNaughton's

As tradition every summer we go to Roman's parents house and spend a week or two with all the cousins. It is a fun filled house and this year my job was to keep searching for Lucy because she always gets lost and make sure Noah is not squirting someone with water. He really loves water guns and hoses. Having all the cousins together was really fun and the moms even got to have some time of our own.

Lucy loved being pulled by the boat.

I am so proud he still has it and landed his flip again this year.

All the cousins minus one baby Emmett.

Noah loves his girl cousins he would play with them all day everyday.


Angela Henderson said...

Wow I cant believe little Lucy is on the wake board. They are getting so big.
and I did not even know you were prego again. Congrats! What are you having?

Hawks said...

I love all those pictures. The family pic of you guys in the backyard is awesome..your a hot prego lady!!!