Saturday, January 24, 2009

Post Holidays update

It is the end of January and I am here to update on my pictures. I am a little slow but I like to blame it on having a new baby, learning on how to deal with two kids, I just joined facebook or I was busy. Choose your pick. Anyways holidays were great and Lucy did so well. She is four months old and still looks exactly like Noah. She is getting a different personality which is fun to watch grow and develop. She is very social and has to be sitting up at all times and looking to see what is going on. She tolerates Noah and loves to giggle. She is very mellow but our socialite. And our fashion queen. If she does not like an outfit she will just let me know and spit up right on it or blast through it in the rear side. Sometimes we can go through three to four outfits in a hour. I hope the outfit change number will go down as she gets older.
Noah is our mover and shaker. He is running around until he exhausts himself and collapse himself to sleep. His favorite sayings are "sure" "come play with me" Whooo, Whooo" "All abroad" and "NO". It is our little entertainer and keeps us on our toes (running after him) or laughing hysterically. Noah is also in the phase of coping what ever we do especially coping Roman.
Roman and I are having fun and love where are living.

Grandpa Wright wearing part of Noah's Halloween costume. 
Trick or Treating with the Motley boys.
After getting candy parting with his sister Lucy.
Noah was a San Diego Charger football player for Halloween.  

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